With many young drivers using their cellphones to play music or podcasts instead of the radio, distracted driving involves much more than texts, phone calls, and rowdy passengers in the backseat these days. Heck, even your GPS gives you text notifications.
Luckily, cell phones also offer some preventative measures to combat distracted driving. While programs like Android Auto and Apple Carplay consolidate the features we might want to use between changing media or accepting phone calls without touching our phones, they still lack some features that help further improve safety.
That's where Erie's Your Turn comes in.
What is Your Turn?
Your Turn is an application you can download on your iOS or Android device that helps you reflect upon and improve your driving habits by measuring certain criteria such as speeding, hard braking and phone usage. Similar to how some newer vehicles and hybrids give drivers a "score" after a commute, this application, with the benefit of being installed on a phone, can bring similar functionality to older models and store this data at your finger tips.
What benefits does Your Turn offer?
1. Your Turn measures hard acceleration, braking, cornering, speeding, phone usage while driving and miles driven.
2. Get the whole family involved! “Family mode” is an opt-in program that allows family members to see one another’s scores, latest location, trip details, trends and streaks. Scores go into leaderboards and allow users to see how they’re performing compared to other family members.
3. Become a safer driver: Within the first 30 days of the program, users see an average reduction in these activities: 35% decrease in phone distractions, 20% reduction in hard braking and 20% reduction in at-risk speeding.
4. What’s in it for me? Well, you’ll not only be a safer driver, but you’ll also have the chance to earn rewards (up to $5 or $10 every two weeks) based on your driving score. For example, you can use your rewards instantly for a latte at Starbucks® or save them for a larger purchase. You can even choose to donate your rewards to a charity of your choice.
As always, when it comes to covering your family and your auto insurance coverage, Lindquist has your back! Give us a call, text, or email and we'll make sure you get the coverage you need at a price that works for you. Thanks so much for reading, and check out some of our other blog posts to learn more interesting facts about the insurance industry and the products you need to protect!
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1910 Towne Centre Blvd, Suite 250
Annapolis. MD 21401
Park in the North Garage -
3rd floor walk across the skyway bridge into suite 250.
Our office is #220 - Lindquist Insurance within the main reception area.
(443) 837-3200
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