Whether you’re planning a fancy multi-course meal or just a small get-together with friends, it takes time and effort to throw a party. Take a deep breath: You’ve got this!
No task is too small… and no guest list is too large. Whatever the size of your shindig, here are 10 tips to help with your holiday gathering. (Want more must-read advice? Don’t miss our
guide to hazard-free holidays.
10 Essential Tips for Holiday Hosting
Related: Cooking with a crock-pot? Don’t make these common mistakes
From traditional to potluck, you’ll want to make sure you have enough food and beverages for your holiday guests. Pro tip: An online calculator like
The Guest-Imator on SaveTheFood.com
can help you figure out how much food to buy, based on your number of guests and – of course – their appetites. If you’re serving alcoholic beverages, keep in mind your
host liquor liability
The 10 Commandments of Candle Safety
The post 10 Tips to Host a Holiday Party (Without Stressing Out) appeared first on Lindquist Insurance.
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(443) 837-3200
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