If you are having trouble with your insurance company, you may want to consider changing agents and companies. Here are some red flags to think about before you make this very important financial decision:
1. Premium Increases: If your insurance agency is increasing your premiums every year, you should look around. Your rates are always approved through the state insurance board. If you need to find out the list of insurance companies in Maryland go to this website for more information click the chatbox.
2. Overcharged on premiums: Additionally, when you are being charged more for your property coverage than you should be, which is inexcusable. Many auto insurance policyholders are being charged more on their premiums because they are not being surveyed by the insurance company to see if they are driving as many miles, if drivers are no longer in the household or if they have been accident-free and have earned discounts. Homeowners may also have discounts such as locks on doors and windows, smoke alarms, and other loss prevention measures that are not being added to the premium cost.
3. Bad claims service: When a loss occurs, the policyholder needs to know that they will be treated fairly and professionally by the claim representative. If the claim rep is late to respond, unprofessional, rude, indecisive, or lacks knowledge then the insured will not get their claim handled correctly. This can be costly and it is a definite sign that the insured needs to go elsewhere.
4. Poor customer service: Unfortunately, too many insurance companies take their insureds for granted. This could mean that they don‘t do yearly audits of their policies or fail to meet with their insureds to discuss their insurance needs. The agency staff may also fail to return calls or emails.
5. Moving: You may be relocating and the same insurance company may be in your area. However, it may be wise to check around and see if there are companies that may be less expensive, offer discounts, and have 4- or 5-star reviews for service, all good reasons to change companies.
Changing insurance companies is not something that you want to do often. But there are times when it is the best step to take. Your family and property are priorities in your life. Proper and fair coverage is what you should be getting along with friendly and thorough customer service. If you need to change in 2022, do it with smart planning.
Lindquist Insurance
has an experienced and licensed staff who can consult you on the best coverage for you and your family. Call (301) 694-0008 for a consultation. We serve the Frederick, MD, and Annapolis, MD area.
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