Wanting to drive and getting behind the wheel isn’t a thing of the past. In fact, the Gen Zs of the world (ages 14 to 17) are excited about learning to drive. Actually, 89 percent to be exact. The excitement Gen Zs feel about driving is very similar to the way Baby Boomers felt when they were asked about their early driving years.
Erie Insurance recently conducted a national survey* about generational driving habits. From being excited to drive, to what we’re doing behind the wheel, the survey uncovered similarities and differences across generations. See the full results of the survey and watch the short video below highlighting what different generations are saying about driving and cars.
*The survey consisted of 2,000 U.S. residents across four generations.
Methodology: The survey was conducted by Falls Communications on behalf of Erie Insurance from Sept. 28 – Oct. 26, 2017, among 2,147 U.S. residents ages 14-69. Research Now (Plano, TX) administered the survey, via the internet, to its captive U.S. panels. While different sample sizes have different margins of error, the estimated margin of error for the sample size of all 2,147 respondents is +/- 2.1 percent. For additional information, contact Sara Erhartic .
The post Generations and Driving: We Aren’t So Different After All appeared first on Lindquist Insurance.
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